Cada vez que necesito videos para mis materiales, recurro a algunas alternativas conocidas:
La noticia de hoy es que YouTube creó YouTube for Schools, un espacio para centros educativos, en respuesta al reclamo de los docentes acerca de cómo los alumnos se distraen con materiales no apropiados al tema o no aptos para menores que suelen verse cuando se usa YouTube en clase.
We’ve been hearing from teachers that they want to use the vast array of educational videos on YouTube in their classrooms, but are concerned that students will be distracted by the latest music video or cute cat, or a video that wasn’t appropriate for students. While schools that restrict access to YouTube may solve this distraction concern, they also limit access to hundreds of thousands of educational videos on YouTube that could help bring photosynthesis to life, or show what life was like in ancient Greece.
To address this issue, we’ve developed YouTube for Schools, a network setting that school administrators can turn on to grant access only to the educational content from YouTube EDU. Teachers can choose from the hundreds of thousands of videos on YouTube EDU created by more than 600 partners like the Smithsonian, TED, Steve Spangler Science, and Numberphile.